Total information

Venue: Albena, Bulgaria.
Age of participants: from 5 years.
Applications until February 1, 2019

Nominations of the festival

X INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL "WAVEIDEAS" - Folklore and ethnography Folklore and ethnography





X INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL "WAVEIDEAS" - Instrumental genre Instrumental genre



X INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL "WAVEIDEAS" - Fashion Theater Fashion Theater


Short description

The X International Festival “WaveIdeas” gives birth to new ideas for conquering the coolest waves of creativity!!! The very first and large-scale festival project "WavesIdeas" marks 10 years this year. The Festival has been visited by ten thousands of participants from more than 15 countries all over the world. This year, the festival takes place in popular resort Albena, on 3 different stages.
A feature of this festival is the most intense creative program for the participants, because besides the professional competition in nominations, you will find countless events on stages, on the beach, in the pool, in dance halls and even on the streets of Albena resort.

youtube.com/waveideas (Live broadcasts, video reports - YouTube Channel)
vk.com/waveideas (News, contests, photo reports - Official VK group)

facebook.com/waveideasfest (Official Facebook group, English)
instagram.com/waveideasfest (Photo news)


• Association “Festival Center” (Republic of Belarus);
• LLC “Wave Ideas” (Republic of Belarus).
• Public associations and other organizations.
• Participant - an individual who paid for participation in the Festival in accordance with clause 4 of these Position.
• Soloist - participant of the Festival who paid for participation in the Festival in accordance with clause 4 of these Position, who submitted an application for personal performance;
• Duet - participants in the amount of two people, each of whom paid for participation in the Festival in accordance with clause 4, who submitted one application for the performance of a number by a duet;
• Trio - participants in the amount of three people, each of whom paid for participation in the Festival according to clause 4, who submitted one application for the performance of the trio number;
• Ensemble - a group of participants, each of whom paid for participation in the Festival in accordance with clause 4 of these Position, who submitted one application for the performance of the number, constituting a single team, acting on the festival venues as a whole;
• Team - a group of participants united by joint activities within the framework of one institution, each of whom paid for participation in the Festival in accordance with clause 4 of these Position, acting on the venues of the Festival;
• Nomination - a thematic position in determining the focus of the participant(s);
• Application - voluntary, formed and executed on the site the will of the participant(s) to participate in the Festival.
• revival, preservation and development of national cultures;
• establishing creative contacts, strengthening international relations and cooperation through children's creativity;
• formation of the creative potential of the younger generation;
• creation of conditions for support and development of creative communication between children and youth;
• attraction of leading experts in culture and art to cooperation with creative teams, exchange of experience;
• improving the professional skills and qualifications of managers, teachers of creative teams and performers;
• organization of outdoor activities and physical rehabilitation of children and youth.
4.1. The order of the festival
• Teams and soloists submit applications for participation on the website https://myfest.art/.
• The festival is divided into two parts: contest program and a festival.
• It is allowed to participate in several categories for an additional fee.
• A separate jury has been created for the nomination of fine art, and all submitted works participate in the competition.
Festival gathering:
• Soloists, duets, trios - 40 euros/person.
• Teams (4 or more participants) - 25 euros/person.
Applications of soloists, duets, ensembles are submitted separately. Allowed to participate in several categories for an additional fee.
For participation in an additional nomination:
• Groups pay extra 5 euros per participant.
• Trios, duets and soloists pay extra 10 euros per participant.
4.2. Dates and venue
In accordance with the program of the Festival.
4.3. Members
The age of participants in the competition program is from 5 years. Participants in the competition program are divided into age categories in accordance with the nominations. The corresponding age category is indicated when filling out a creative application.
4.4. Nominations
Choreographic genre (ensembles, trios, duets and soloists)
• classical choreography;
• folk choreography;
• folk-stylized choreography;
• modern choreography;
• pop choreography;
• children's story-playing dance;
• belly dance;
• sports dance;
• street directions (hip-hop, house, techno, disco, street, electric boogie, break-dance, pop-lock and other street styles);
• ballroom dance (European program, Latin American program);
• dance show;
• historical dance.
Participants submit one performance to the contest in one nomination and in one age category. The performance should not exceed four minutes.
Vocal genre (ensembles, trios, duets and soloists)
• academic;
• folk;
• pop;
• jazz.
Participants submit one performance to the competition in one nomination and in one age category. The performance should not exceed four minutes. Variants of performance: phonogram “-1”, instrumental accompaniment, a cappella. The use of backing vocals is permissible if it does not go in unison and does not dynamically overlap the main part.
Choir genre
• academic;
• pop;
• jazz;
• folk.
Participants submit one performance to the competition in one nomination and in one age category. The performance should not exceed four minutes. Variants of performance: phonogram “-1”, instrumental accompaniment, a cappella.
Instrumental genre (orchestras, ensembles, trios, duets and soloists)
• classic;
• folk;
• pop;
• jazz.
Participants submit one performance to the competition in one nomination and in one age category. The performance should not exceed four minutes. The performance is possible, both without additional musical accompaniment, and with the phonogram “-1” or with a concertmaster.
Folklore and ethnographic genre
Age is not limited. Represent one production created on the basis of folklore, folk (regional, local) customs and rituals. Lasting no more than ten minutes.
Theater genre
• musical performance (musical, ballet, opera);
• dramatic performance;
• chamber performance;
• dance theater;
• Puppet Theatre;
• theaters of plastic and mime;
• street theater;
• theater of parodies;
• shadow play;
• one-man show;
• experimental genre;
• artistic word.
There is no division into age categories for all nominations except for a one-man show and an artistic word.
Participants submit to the competition one compositionally completed fragment or performance in one nomination and in one age category. The number should not exceed ten minutes.
Circus genre (ensembles, trios, duets and soloists)
• acrobatics;
• clowning;
• gymnastics;
• rubber;
• balancing act;
• juggling;
• show with the subject;
• illusion;
• original genre.
Participants submit one number to the competition in one nomination and in one age category.
The number should not exceed four minutes.
Attention! The leaders of the circus groups bear full personal responsibility for the installation of circus devices and safety during the performance of numbers.
Fashion theater
• ready-to-wear;
• evening wear;
• National dress;
• historical costume;
• modern suit;
• fancy clothes;
• business style clothing;
• clothes for sports and recreation.
Participants submit one collection to the competition in one nomination and in one age category. Room must not exceed five minutes.
Bard song
• authoring (full authorship - the performer is the author of both words and music; incomplete authorship - the performer is the author of either text or music);
• performing.
Participants of the competition perform one song in one nomination and in one age category on a free topic, corresponding to the bard song genre. The number should not exceed four minutes. Copyright texts are sent along with the application with a mandatory translation into Russian.
When performing songs, phonograms and electronic instruments are not allowed, with the exception of acoustic instruments with a sound adapter. In the younger age group, songs may be performed to the accompaniment of other participants (with the exception of teachers).
• painting;
• graphics;
• art photography;
• arts and crafts.
Homework is evaluated by a competent jury. Results are announced at the gala concert. Each appraised work receives a diploma depending on the place occupied. In addition to individual competitions, group events, creative meetings with artists, open discussions related to visual activities are held during the Festival.
Requirements for competitive works.
Homework can be done in any genre, technique and in any format, but not more than A1: still life, portrait, landscape, plot composition, work of DPI. Participants of the Festival present one work at the exhibition, decorated in white paper 40 mm wide. On the front side of each work, you must place a data plate (full name of the author; author's age; title of the work; material (for works of DPI); name of the collective).
Works for the Festival-contest are accepted as a gift for creating a gallery of the Festival. Jobs are not returned.
Plein air (studies from nature). Etudes are performed in any technique on the A3 format during the festival. Participants bring all the necessary materials with them.
4.5. Assessment criteria
• choreography - themes and selection of repertoire; performing skills; statement of number and originality; costumes and props; artistry and expressiveness;
• vocals, choir - purity of intonation, the beauty of the timbre and the power of voice, mastery of the dynamics of sound, artistry and expressiveness, appearance;
• instrumental genre - purity of performance, mastery of the dynamics of sound, the complexity of the work performed, creative personality, appearance;
• folklore - themes and selection of repertoire; performing skills; statement of number and originality; costumes and props; artistry and expressiveness;
• theater - themes and selection of repertoire; acting, compositional construction (stage-play), decoration and props, diction;
• circus - the complexity of the executable program; clean performance; originality; artistry and expressiveness; appearance;
• fashion theater - originality, novelty, design; artistic expression; relevance to the theme and integrity of the collection; creative approach in the use of materials and technological solutions;
• bard song - correspondence to the genre, level of instrumental and vocal skill, expressiveness and individuality, informativeness and positivity, artistry, purity of intonation;
• fine art - the youngest age category (originality of design and execution; artistic expressiveness); middle age category (originality of design and execution; artistic expressiveness; mastery of compositional techniques; coloristic decision); senior, youth, professional age category (depth of topic disclosure; mastery of compositional techniques; coloristic decision; originality of design and execution; artistic expressiveness; aesthetic value). Homework and plain air are evaluated on a 10-point system. The jury has the right to reject works that do not comply with this provision.
4.6. Jury
To evaluate the competitive performances, a competent jury is created, which includes leading figures of culture and art.
The distribution of prizes in the competition program is based on the jury protocol and the number of points scored in the competition program. The decision of the jury is final and not subject to discussion! The chairman of the jury has the right of +1 vote in case of a dispute. Jury members are not entitled to divulge the results of the competition before the official announcement. The program of performances and the gala concert is determined by the director-production group. The program is final and non-negotiable.
4.7. Rewarding
The decision of the competent jury in each category, taking into account the age category, determines laureates of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree and diplomantes of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree, who are awarded with diplomas and souvenirs. The jury has the right not to award a prize, to award two prizes, to appoint additional incentive prizes. The jury may share the title of laureate or diplomat among several participants, and also not award it to anyone.
Each team is awarded with the Cup of the participant of the Festival.
Certificates, Cup "Grand Prix" are awarded by decision of the jury of the festival.
4.8. Technical requirements
Phonogram recording should be:
• on a flash drive with perfect sound quality, the title of the track should indicate: name of the collective (name of the soloist), name of the number, timing;
• sent no later than fourteen days before the start of the Festival to e-mail: fest@waveideas.net;
Attention! You must have copies of phonograms with you.
Creative groups and soloists take part in the festival, who submitted a creative application thirty days before the festival and received confirmation of registration of the application from the organizers. Lists of participants and managers should be sent to the organizers and contain the following information: full name (in Latin letters on the passport), date of birth, passport number and series, home address, contact phone number.
Organizations delegating participants, or the participants themselves, pay travel, accommodation, meals and a contribution to the development of the festival. The team leader is responsible for the life and health of children. Failure to comply with the provisions of the provisions entails exclusion from the number of participants in the festival.
Organizers consider all materials (audio, video and printed materials) created at the festival to be their property and have the right to use and disseminate information at their discretion without paying a fee to participants.

You still have the opportunity to become a member of this festival!

Why choose us?

10 years of festival experience

More than 100 successful projects

Professional equipment

The best concert and competition venues

Tens of thousands of participants from different countries

Cash prizes for winners and prize winners of competitions


About us people say

During the years of concert and festival work, a large number of photo and video materials have been collected in various media, Internet space and television. Also, the "Wave of Ideas" cooperates with leading television channels, Internet portals and creative communities of European countries.

Contestants of "Wave of Ideas" are active participants of television competitions, media projects. Public accounts of "Wave of Ideas" in popular social networks Instagram, VK, Facebook have thousands of subscribers.

Do you want to become a member?

Leave your contact details and our manager will tell you in more detail about how you can become a participant of the festival.
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